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Front Page > Archived Education > Degree Programme in Social Services (SA) > 2014 > Year 2 > Mental Health Work (SSAA0603)

Mental Health Work

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSAA0603
Type: Compulsory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: SA 2014
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 2 (2015-2016)
Credits: 2 cr
Responsible Teacher: Blomqvist, Ann-Sophie
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2015-2016

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
11S-SA-1VK2015-08-31 – 2015-12-19Mirva Sundqvist-KekäläinenFinnish2015-08-14 – 2015-10-13
12S-SA-2B2015-09-01 – 2015-12-19Ann-Sophie BlomqvistFinnish2015-08-21 – 2015-09-13
13S-SA-2A2016-03-07 – 2016-06-04Ann-Sophie BlomqvistFinnish2015-12-07 – 2016-03-11

Learning Outcomes

The student knows how to recognize factors that affect mental health and the resources related to them in an individual, familial and communal level. The student is familiar with mental needs and threatening factors related to different periods and conditions of life. The student is aware of central mental disturbances, traumatic crises and is familiar with the treatment and working methods used in mental health work. The student is familiar with the legislation guiding mental health work and knows how to guide clients into suitable mental health care services.

Student's Workload

54 h, of which 26 contact hours, 28 hours of independent study. The assesment of student's own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.


Basis of mental health and promoting mental health. Mental health care service system and legislation and the central norms guiding mental health care work. Becoming mentally ill and the most common mental disturbances. Crisis theories, a traumatic crisis as a process and working methods in crisis situations.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

- Saarelainen, Stengård & Vuori-Kemilä. 2007. Mielenterveys- ja päihdetyö. Helsinki: WSOY - Saari. 2003. Kuin salama taivaalta. Kriisit ja niistä selviytyminen. Keuruu: Otava. –other possible material given by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, discussions, study visit, small group work

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1-2: The student understands the foundations of mental health work and knows how to tell about the most common mental health disturbances.
Grade 3: The student knows how to apply what he has learned by describing the structure of mental health care, is familiar with the service system and knows how to guide clients into the service circle. Is familiar with the effects of mental health problems on a person and his next of kin.
Grade 5: The student is familiar with the state and importance of mental health care in our society, is familiar with the service system and understands the situations and special needs of clients with mental health problems.

Assessment Methods

Participation in lectures and in the study visit, passing the group work and other possible assignments.
