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Front Page > Archived Education > Nursing (S-SH) > 2011T > Year 2 > Social Welfare and Health Care Clients (SSHP0202)

Social Welfare and Health Care Clients

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSHP0202
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: S-SH 2011T
Level: Bachelor of Health Care
Year of Study: 2 (2012-2013)
Credits: 4 cr
Responsible Teacher: Alaniemi, Ritva
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2012-2013

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
6S-TH-2A2012-08-27 – 2012-12-21Anne Puska, Mirva Sundqvist-Kekäläinen, Teija HonkaniemiFinnish2012-08-13 – 2012-09-07
7S-SH-2A2012-08-27 – 2013-06-07Mirva Sundqvist-Kekäläinen, Suvi Kallio, Teija HonkaniemiFinnish2012-08-13 – 2012-09-07
8S-TH-2B2012-08-27 – 2013-06-07Anne Puska, Mirva Sundqvist-Kekäläinen, Teija HonkaniemiFinnish2012-08-13 – 2012-09-07
9S-SH-2B2013-03-04 – 2013-06-07Mirva Sundqvist-Kekäläinen, Outi Vekara, Suvi Kallio, Teija HonkaniemiFinnish2013-02-11 – 2013-03-04

Learning Outcomes

The student knows the meaning of multicultural and ethical approach in the treatment of the health and diseases of an individual and a community. The student pays attention to the different needs of the clients with different cultural backgrounds. The student knows what are the client´s most important welfare and health-related allowances, the rights and the obligations and can guide and help the client in using the social welfare and health services.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course : 108 h
-of which scheduled studies: 52 h
-of which autonomous studies: 56 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites


The concept of health and disease in different cultures. Encountering different cultures in nursing. Social welfare and health care policy. The ability and skills to guide and supervise an individual and a group

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Abdelhamid, Juntunen & Koskinen, 2009. Monikulttuurinen hoitotyö. WSOY.
Kyngäs, Kääriäinen, Poskiparta, Johansson, Hirvonen & Renfors, 2007. Ohjaaminen hoitotyössä. WSOY.
Järvikoski & Härkäpää, 2008. Kuntoutuksen perustee. WSOY.
Malm, Matero, Repo & Talvela, 2006. Esteistä mahdollisuuksiin- vammaistyön perusteet. WSOY.
Pakaslahti & Huttunen, 2009. Kulttuurit ja lääketiede. Duodecim.
Tuori & Kotkas, 2008. Sosiaalioikeus. WSOY

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group assignment, case exercises, educational discussions

Assessment Criteria

Gradel 1
The student knows:
-when supervised, how to pay attention to the clients´ different backgrounds and needs.
- to look for and use reliable information under supervision and in nursing
- to follow the ethical principles
Grade 3
The student knows:
- on own initiative how to pay attention to the clients´ different backgrounds and needs in nursing
- how to look for , use and evaluate reliable information under supervision and in nursing
- how to follow the ethical principles and at the same time how to evaluate own / the work community´s implementation of ethical values and principles

Level 5
The student knows:
-on own initiative and with a client-oriented approach how to pay attention to the clients' different backgrounds and needs in nursing
- how to use a critical approach in searching, using and evaluating reliable information and how to develop the guidance process and nursing
-how to follow the ethical principles and also how to develop his/her own and the work community´s ability to follow the ethical principles

Assessment Methods

Participation in lectures, exam, group assignment. Numeric assessment, grading 0-5
