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Front Page > Archived Education > Nursing (S-SH) > 2011H > Individual as a Learner (SSHP0100)

Individual as a Learner

Structure Type: Study module
Code: SSHP0100
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: S-SH 2011H
Level: Bachelor of Health Care
Credits: 19 cr
Responsible Teacher: Huusko, Taina
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student gets acquainted with learning and with different support mechanisms of learning activities. The student also familiarizes him/herself with the nurseĀ“s professional identity and scientific basis for nursing practice.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prerequisites


Includes the following study modules: Studying and the Learning Environment , Communication and Interaction, Swedish for Nursing, English for Nursing
