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Front Page > Archived Education > Nursing (S-SH) > 2010T > Year 4 > Supporting the Growth into a Family (STHA0601)

Supporting the Growth into a Family

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: STHA0601
Type: Compulsory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: S-SH 2010T
Level: Bachelor of Health Care
Year of Study: 4 (2013-2014)
Credits: 4 cr
Responsible Teacher: Alaniemi, Ritva
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2013-2014

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
1S-TH-4A, S-TH-4B2013-09-02 – 2013-12-20Ritva AlaniemiFinnish2013-08-16 – 2013-09-13

Learning Outcomes

The student learns more about client- and family-oriented maternity care, is able to meet the needs of the families, is able to carry out holistic nursing and multiprofessional teamwork.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 108 h
-of which scheduled studies: 52 h
-of which autonomeus studies: 56 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing


The client- and family-oriented approach in maternity care. Health promotion and counselling of pregnant women and women in puerperium, giving breast feeding-instructions, supporting early interaction and growing into parenthood, family planning and risk pregnancies.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Paananen, Pietiläinen, Raussi-Lehto, Väyrynen & Äimälä (toim.), 2006. Kätilötyö. Tampere: Edita.
Haapio, Koski, Koski & Paavilainen, 2009. Perhevalmennus. Porvoo: Edita.
Niemelä, Siltala & Tamminen (toim.), 2003. Äidin ja vauvan varhainen vuorovaikutus. Juva: WSOY.
Deufel & Montonen 2010. Onnistunut imetys. Tampere:Duodecim
Koskinen. 2008. Imetysohjaus. Helsinki:Edita.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, educational discussions, pair work, case exercises, virtual study and independent study

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5

The student
- implements family-centred maternity care independently and with a client-centred approach
-is able to look for, use and evaluate evidence-based information in nursing and in developing nursing
-is able to cooperate with different partners in the treatment of a client
-is able to follow the ethcial principles and develop his/her own and colleagues´ ability to follow these principles

Grade 3
The student
- implements family-centred maternity care independently
-is able to look for, use and evaluate evidence-based information in nursing
-is able to cooperate independently with different partners in the treatment of a client
-is able to follow the ethcial principles and evaluate his/her own and other colleagues ability to follow the principles

Grade 1
The student
- implements family-centred maternity care under supervision
-is able to look for and use evidence-based information in nursing
-is able to cooperate with different partners in the treatment of a client when supervised
-is able to follow the ethcial principles

Assessment Methods

Participation in lectures, exam or written assignment. Numeric assessment/ grading 0-5
