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Front Page > Archived Education > Social Services (S-SA) > 2009 > Year 1 > Practical Training: Education, Special Education and Guidance (SSH0001)

Practical Training: Education, Special Education and Guidance

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSH0001
Type: Compulsory / Practical training
Curriculum: S-SA 2009
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 1 (2009-2010)
Credits: 9 cr
Responsible Teacher: Koivisto, Raimo
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2009-2010

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
8S-SA-1A2010-03-08 – 2010-04-18Aira Bragge, Riku Niemistö, Tytti Hyttilä-HuhtaFinnish2010-02-15 – 2010-03-14
9S-SA-1B2010-03-08 – 2010-04-18Aira Bragge, Riku NiemistöFinnish2010-02-15 – 2010-03-14

Learning Outcomes

The student will get familiar with educational philosophy and social services and will be able to develop her own thinking and abilities in upbringing. The student gets familiar with every day life of a family, factors related to well-being and health and is able to support families in different life situations. The student will get familiar with different welfare services and organisations supporting socialisation, upbringing and well-being. The student will develop her skills in managing different forms of social support. The student understands the meaning of self-evaluation and is able to use it in developing of his/her own skills.


Client Work within day care, home help service or elderly services.

Assessment Methods

Practical training, report and self-evaluation, pass/fail
