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Front Page > Archived Education > Social Services (S-SA) > 2005V > Year 3 > Social Work with the Elderly (SSA0605)

Social Work with the Elderly

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSA0605
Type: Compulsory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: S-SA 2005V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2008)
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Palosaari, Sinikka
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Year 2008

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3S-SA-3A2008-08-25 – 2008-12-20Sinikka PalosaariFinnish2008-08-15 – 2008-08-31
4S-SA-3B2008-08-25 – 2008-12-20Sinikka PalosaariFinnish2008-08-15 – 2008-08-31
5 2008-08-25 – 2008-12-20Sinikka PalosaariFinnish2008-08-15 – 2008-08-31

Learning Outcomes

Work with the Elderly
The student will know the elderly policy and the service system of the Elderly Care in Social Work. He/she will know the principles and quality requirements in elderly services. The student will understand the status of old people in society and nearest community. The student will get acquainted with special questions with growing older. He/she will know thw regulations guiding Elderly Work and will be able to draw up an individual service plan.


Growing older and changes during life, Elderly Policy as a part of Social Policy, services of the Elderly Care, alternative service systems in future, Research and rules and regulations in the Elderly Work, the elderly person´s ability to live and act and everyday life of old people.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Hakonen. S. & Marin M. 2003. Seniori- ja vanhustyö arjen kulttuurissa. Jyväskylä. PS -kustannus.
- Heikkinen E & Marin M (toim.) 2003. Vanhuuden voimavarat.
Vammala. Tammi.
-Ikäihmisten hoitoa ja palveluja koskeva laatusuositus. 2001. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö ja Suomen Kuntaliitto. Helsinki

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Activating lecture, Study visits,educational conversations

Assessment Methods

Numeric assessment. Participation in the study visits and group work. exam or assignment
