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Front Page > Archived Education > Social Services (S-SA) > 2004V > Year 3 > Mental Health Problems among Children and Young People (SSA22104)

Mental Health Problems among Children and Young People

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: SSA22104
Type: Optional obligatory
Curriculum: S-SA 2004V
Level: Bachelor of Social Services
Year of Study: 3 (2007)
Credits: 1.5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Koivisto, Raimo

Courses During the Year 2007

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
6S-SA-3LNP2007-01-08 – 2007-03-09Juha Ala-ahoFinnish2006-12-11 – 2007-01-14
