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Front Page > Archived Education > Hotel and Restaurant Business (R-HR) > 2003L > Year 3

Hotel and Restaurant Business (R-HR 2003L)

Degree: Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Form of Teaching: Full-time student
Start: 2003-08-22
Credits: 210 cr
Duration: 3.5 years
Language: Finnish

Year of Study: 3 (2005-2006)

Year: 1234all
CodeNameDuring the
Academic Year
RHL11000Common Basic Studies10.5
RHL11200Enterprise and Entrepreneurship6
YYY11203Basics of Quality Managementx3
RYY11207Management of Service Business x3
RHL11301Language and Communication3
YYY11304Efficient Oral and Written Communicationx3
RHL11500Mathematics and Natural Science Studies1.5
RYY11509Methodology for Studies and Researchx1.5
RHL12000Professional Basic Studies7.5
RHL12700Marketing of Services3
RYY12704Marketing Researchx3
RHL12800Business and Econ. Administration in Service Company4.5
RYY12803Basics in Closing the Accounts and Taxationx4.5
RHL24001Specialisation Alternative: Tourism Management10.5
RHL24200Tourism Projects10.5
RHL24201Entrepreneurship in Tourismx3
RHL24202Planning of Tourism Projectsx4.5
RHL24203Tourism Sociology and Trendsx3
RHL25000Specialisation Alternative of Restaurant Management15
RHL25200Food Cultures, Eating Trends and Combination of Food and Bevarages15
RHL25201Food Cultures, Eating Trends and Combination of Food and Beveragesx4.5
RHL25202Planning of Premises and Equipmentx3
RHL25203Management and Planning of Restaurant and Food Servicesx4.5
RHL25204Operative Management of Hospitality Businessx3
RHL20002Specialiced Optional Module15