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Front Page > Current Education > Business Economics (LT) > 2024V > Year 2 > Basics of Marketing Laws (TLA0202)

Basics of Marketing Laws

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TLA0202
Curriculum: LT 2024V
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 2 (2025-2026)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Teirfolk-Naarmala, Marika
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2025-2026

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3026LT2024-K2026-01-05 – 2026-03-01Marika Teirfolk-NaarmalaFinnish2025-11-30 – 2026-01-10
3027LT2024-M2026-01-05 – 2026-03-01Marika Teirfolk-NaarmalaFinnish2025-11-30 – 2026-01-10
3028LT2024-T2026-01-05 – 2026-03-01Marika Teirfolk-NaarmalaFinnish2025-11-30 – 2026-01-10
3030LT2024V-T2026-01-01 – 2026-04-26Marika Teirfolk-NaarmalaFinnish 
3031LT2024-T2026-01-05 – 2026-03-01Marika Teirfolk-NaarmalaFinnish2025-11-30 – 2026-01-10

Taking the course in advance? See the courses during the academic year 2024-2025.

Learning Outcomes

The student will understand the rules of consumer protection, unfair competition and restrictions of competition. The student should also have a basic knowledge of intellectual property rights and understand the meaning of the exclusive rights.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 81 hours.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Introduction to Contract Law and Obligations


Consumer Protection, Sale of Goods, Restriction of Competition, Unfair Business Practice, Public Procurement, Intellectual Property.

Regional Impact

The student developes his/her skills to work within the region's business community.


The student understands the relevance and influence of interationality on subject.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

- All the materials in Moodle
- Legislation in force
Soveltuvin osin:
- Peltonen Anja: Kuluttajansuojaoikeus (Tritonian e-kirja) uusin painos
- Virtanen Pertti: Markkinoi ja myy oikein - sallitut ja kielletyt kilpailukeinot (Tritonian e-kirja)uusin painos
- Kuoppamäki Petri: Uusi kilpailuoikeus (Tritonian e-kirja) uusin painos
- Wilhelmsson Thomas- Leif Sevon - Pauliine Koskelo: Kauppalain pääkohdat (Tritonian e-kirja) uusin painos

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, project learning, self-studies

Assessment Criteria

5 The Student has acquired an extensive body of knowledge in knowing the basics of the Consumer Protection, Unfair Competition and restrictions of Competitions.

3 The Student has acquired a good knowledge in knowing the basics of the Consumer Protection, Unfair Competition and restrictions of Competitions.

1 The Student has acquired a satisfactory knowledge in knowing the basics of the Consumer Protection, Unfair Competition and restrictions of Competitions.

Assessment Methods

Exam, Assigsnments and a Legal Case Presentation. Numerical (0-5)
