Gearbox Design
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | IXV0092 |
Curriculum: | KT 2025 |
Level: | Bachelor of Engineering |
Credits: | 3 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Niemelä, Riitta |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course the students will be able to design machined and printed parts. They will also be able to communicate their designs as 3D-models and dimensioned manufacturing drawings as well as assembly drawings and exploded view drawings. They will appreciate the good quality of manufacturing information. The student teams will practice product design in global environment. This will also improve their communication skills.
Student's Workload
Total 81 h, of which scheduled studies 33 h and autonomous studies 48 h.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
IKTA2501 3D Modeling and Product Lifecycle Management
Project work: Designing the gearbox with given information. Producing 3D-models and drawings. Checking the drawings of the mirror group and making change proposals.
Collaboration with Hochschule Ulm.
Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools
On-line material.
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Project work and report.
Assessment Criteria
5: Student is able to apply course content on his/her own initiative and develop new solutions.
3: Student is able to apply course content independently.
1: Student is able to use course content to limited extent.
Assessment Methods
Personal and team report.