Mechanical Automation 2
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | IKA0608 |
Curriculum: | KT 2023 |
Level: | Bachelor of Engineering |
Year of Study: | 2 (2024-2025) |
Semester: | Autumn |
Credits: | 5 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Rantasalo, Marko |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Courses During the Academic Year 2024-2025
Impl. | Group(s) | Study Time | Teacher(s) | Language | Enrolment |
3010 | KT2023-2, KT2023-2A, KT2023-2B, KT2023-2C, KT2023-2D | 2024-09-03 – 2024-12-20 | Juho Pölönen | Finnish | 2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06 |
3011 | KT2023V-2A, KT2023V-2B | 2025-01-07 – 2025-05-17 | Juho Pölönen | Finnish | 2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13 |
Learning Outcomes
The student will be familiar with the various sectors of automation, such as control techniques, actuators and sensors. The study unit gives basic knowledge for specialised study units in automation. The student will also understand technical texts on automation written in English.
Student's Workload
Total work load of the course: 135 h
- of which scheduled studies: 70 h
- of which autonomous studies: 65 h
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
IKTA2801 Mechanical Automation 1
Mechanisms used in mechanical engineering to cause a movement. Digital and analogue signals, number systems and A/D conversion. Sensors, mechanical and semiconductive switches and the most usual steady-state sensors, signals and selection. Hardwired controls and their components, logic conditions, basics of PLCs. Safety in mechanical automation.
The study unit will be held in English since the manuals and technical specifications of equipment is mostly only available in English.
Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools
- Automaatiojärjestelmien logiikat ja ohjausjärjestelmät WSOY ISBN 978-951-0-32423-3
- Siemens LOGO! user manual
- Other material provided by the teacher
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
-Programming exercises in groups for various aooplication using the equipment available in the laboratory.
Assessment Criteria
5: The student is able to utilise the methods learnt during the study unit independently and is able apply the learnt knowledge in new contexts.
3: The student is able to utilise the methods learnt during the study unit independently.
1: The student is able, with guidance, to utilise the methods learnt during the study unit.
Assessment Methods
Exam, participation in exercises and project.
Assessment on scale 1-5. Approved completion of laboratory exercises is required for passing the study unit.