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Front Page > Current Education > Mechanical and Production Engineering (KT) > 2022 > Year 1 > Introduction to Technical Mathematics (IKTP0109)

Introduction to Technical Mathematics

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IKTP0109
Curriculum: KT 2022
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2022-2023)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Pyhälahti, Onni
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2022-2023

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3012ET2022-1, ET2022-1A, ET2022-1B, ET2022-1C, ET2022-1D2022-07-31 – 2022-12-30Jubeen Sharbaf, Elena Kuisma, Onni PyhälahtiFinnish2022-07-31 – 2022-09-04
3013KT2022-1, KT2022-1A, KT2022-1B, KT2022-1C, KT2022-1D2022-08-29 – 2022-12-30Onni PyhälahtiFinnish2022-08-01 – 2022-09-06
3014YT2022-1, YT2022-1A, YT2022-1B, YT2022-1C, YT2022-1D2022-08-29 – 2022-12-30Onni PyhälahtiFinnish2022-08-01 – 2022-09-06

Learning Outcomes

Mathematics is the basis of all engineering studies. Without mathematics it is impossible to understand technical literature, and to perform everyday professional tasks in engineering. To understand mathematics a student must, first of all, understand thoroughly certain fundamental basics of mathematics. Because of that this course will begin from the very basics: the properties of numbers, basic arithmetic and rules of calculation. Little by little we proceed to symbolic calculations, learn to simplify algebraic expressions, and to solve equations as well as simultaneous systems of equations. In addition, a student is made familiar with the concept of function, which plays the central role in mathematics. In practical application function means, roughly speaking, a rule which tells in which way a given number is transformed to another number. The student will be made familiar with most of those functions which may be found in an ordinary pocket calculator. Geometry is an important part of the course. Practical problems in engineering may often be reduced to geometrical problems, and therefore the student will learn to solve efficiently simple geometrical problems.

Student's Workload

The total amount of student's work is 135h, which contains 50 h of contact studies and 85 h of student's own work outside classroom.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1h is included.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Secondary education mathematics.


Basic rules of calculations, simplification, first and second order equations, systems of equations, trigonometry, graphical expression, proportion, percentage, functions (polynomials, ratios, power-, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions). Graphical and numerical solutions of equations, plane geometry, space geometry, limit of a function, right angles and trigonometry, vectors. Engineering applications.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

S. Alestalo, P. Lehtola, T. Nieminen, A. Rantakaulio: Tekninen matematiikka 1, Tammertekniikka

Seppo Mäkinen: VirtuaaliAnkka.exe, VAMK

The material prepared by the teacher

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

The basics of learning constitutes of lectures where the theory is explained and examples are given. A mere attending the lectures and listening to the lecturer is not sufficient for proper learning. In practice, an independent pondering of the contents of the course becomes best realized when a student solves exercises together with others and independently at home.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1: The student knows those subjects of the course, which are necessary for the forthcoming studies and working life.

Grade 3: The student is well-abled to utilize the course contents.

Grade 5: The student is able to apply creatively the contents of the course

Assessment Methods

Examination (or two smaller exams) and homework exercises. The number of completed exercises affects the grade.
