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Front Page > Study Search > Introduction to Programming (ITTP0309) > 2024-2025

Introduction to Programming

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: ITTP0309
Curriculum: TT 2024 / V2024
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2024-2025)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Saari, Anna-Kaisa
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2024-2025

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3028TT2024-1, TT2024-1A, TT2024-1B, TT2024-1C, TT2024-1D2024-09-02 – 2024-12-14Anna-Kaisa SaariFinnish2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06
3029VY-12025-01-07 – 2025-04-30Anna-Kaisa Saari, Mikael JakasFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-31
3030TT2024V-1, TT2024V-1A, TT2024V-1B2024-08-30 – 2024-12-14Anna-Kaisa SaariFinnish2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06
3031VY-12025-01-07 – 2025-04-30Mikael JakasFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-02-04

Learning Outcomes

After the course, the student can use primitive information types, variables, If and While conditional sentences, functions and other basic structures of programming. The student understands the steps of design, implementation and testing of software, and she is able to routinely write simple, browser-based software using modern programming languages, libraries and methods.

Student's Workload

135 h, containing 50 h of scheduled contact studies.


Basic skills: Basics of HTML5 and CSS, adaptable web design. Basics of JavaScript: variables, conditional and continuous loops, how to divide software into functions and passing parameters in function call and function return values. How to use a 1D array, objects and JSON.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Online material in Moodle and other, such as

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Contact studies and exercises in class, online studying and individual exercises.
Problem-based learning. Solving problems that arise in the working life.

Assessment Criteria

The grade is calculated as the weighted average of returned homework assignments, project works and an examination.

Grade 5: The student understands most of the concepts studied in the course, she can apply these and is able to develop a well-working application with versatile features.
Grade 3: The student understands a significant amount of the concepts studied in the course, she can apply these and is able to develop an application with a reasonable amount of features.
Grade 1: The student understands basics of the concepts discussed on the course, she is able to apply these and she can develop a simple application.

Assessment Methods

Teacher assessment, the grade results from homework assignments, a project work and an examination.
