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Front Page > Study Search > Oral and Written Communication in English (IT00BL10)

Oral and Written Communication in English

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IT00BL10
Curriculum: ETE 2025
IT 2022 / 2023 / 2024
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 / 2 (2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025 / 2025-2026)
Semester: Autumn / Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Kiikkala, Sanna-Liisa
Language of Instruction: English


Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3001IT2022-2, IT2022-2A, IT2022-2B2023-08-28 – 2023-12-16Tim ReusFinnish2023-08-01 – 2023-09-06
3002ETE2025-1, ETE2025-A, ETE2025-B, ETE2025-C, ETE2025-D2025-01-07 – 2025-04-30Sanna-Liisa KiikkalaEnglish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13
3003IT2023-2, IT2023-2A, IT2023-2B, IT2023-2C2024-09-02 – 2024-12-14Sanna-Liisa KiikkalaEnglish2024-08-01 – 2024-09-06
3004IT2024-1, IT2024-A, IT2024-B, IT2025-C2026-01-01 – 2026-07-31Sanna-Liisa KiikkalaFinnish2025-12-01 – 2026-01-11

The descriptions shown below are for the academic year: 2025-2026

Learning Outcomes

The student will recognise the various registers of language, and can write appropriate techical texts and is familiar with referencing techniques and ethical recommendations of writing. The student will learn interaction skills and is familiar with oral communication situations in working life.

Student's Workload

108 h, containing 40 h of scheduled contact studies.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Secondary education syllabus in English.


Various documents related to engineering and working life (e.g. reports, thesis, CV and application, instructions), APA7 referencing, use of AI in writing; oral communication situations in working life (meetings, negotiations, presentations).

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material compiled by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Oral and written exercises, pair and group work.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5: The student can express thoughts spontaneously and exactly, can recognise the nuances of language and is able to give unified, detailed and effective presentation, as well as produce well-structured and stylistically and grammatically correct technical texts.
Grade 3: The student can participate in work-related discussions spontaneously and can give a clear and detailed presentation. The student can also produce technical texts which are mostly correct.
Grade 1: The student is able to follow discussions pertaining to work and the field the study and is able to give a presentation in English. The student can produce technical documents but with difficulties.

Assessment Methods

Written and oral examination, continuous assessment.
