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Front Page > Study Search > Electric Machines (IST7006) > 2017-2018

Electric Machines

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IST7006
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: ST 2016
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 2 (2017-2018)
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Verkkonen, Vesa
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2017-2018

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
1I-ST-2N2018-01-08 – 2018-04-27Vesa VerkkonenFinnish2017-12-11 – 2018-01-15

Learning Outcomes

The student will be familiar with the DC, asynchronous and syncronous machines, their operation and driving properties. The student has skills to calculateate the behavior of motors for various applications using equivalent circuits. The student has skills to choose motors for a constant use. Motor drives are dealt with as a whole, from supply devices and cables to motor. The student learns to use manufacturers' table values when selecting a motor for use.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the course: 140 h
- of which scheduled studies: 70 h
- of which autonomous studies: 70 h

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

IST2004 Direct Current Circuits
IST3002 Alternating Current Circuits
IST4004 Calculation Methods of Circuits


Magnetic circuits of electric machines, D, structure, characteristics and operating values of C machines, asynchronous and synchronous machines. Determining of equivalent circuit and studying the operation using equivalent circuits. The mechanical power needed in different drives. Name plate, standard and structure characteristic values. Rating of the motor based on torque, temperature rise, and starting time in constant use. Basic components of motor starters.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Vesa Verkkonen: Sähkömoottorikäytöt opetusmonisteet, osa 1 Sähkökoneiden perusteita ja Tasasähkökoneet, 77 s, osa 2 Epätahtikoneet, 105 s, osa 3 Tahtikoneet, 62 s, osa 4 Moottorien valinta, 72 s. (handouts)

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, compulsory PC exercises, home assignments and compulsory laboratory exercises.

Assessment Criteria

5: The student is able to utilise the knowledge learnt during the study unit independently and combine the knowledge with previously learnt in various contexts
3: The student is able to utilise the knowledge learnt during the study unit independently.
1: The student is able, with guidance, to utilise the knowledge learnt during the study unit.

Assessment Methods

Exam, completed PC exercises , home assignments and laboratory exercises.

Further Information

Responsible organization: VAMK
