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Electric Machines

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IST7006
Type: Compulsory / Basic Studies
Curriculum: SAT 2022 / 2022M / 2022V / 2023 / 2024 / 2024V
ST 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 / 2 (2017-2018 / 2018-2019 / 2019-2020 / 2020-2021 / 2021-2022 / 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026)
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Iskala, Marko
Language of Instruction: Finnish


Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
1I-ST-2N2018-01-08 – 2018-04-27Vesa VerkkonenFinnish2017-12-11 – 2018-01-15
2I-ST-2N, YHT-VY-22019-01-07 – 2019-04-30Juha Nieminen, Marko Iskala, Vesa VerkkonenFinnish2018-12-10 – 2019-01-14
3I-ST-2N, YHT-VY-22020-01-07 – 2020-04-24Marko IskalaFinnish2019-12-16 – 2020-01-14
3001ST2019-2, ST2019-2A, ST2019-2B, ST2019-2C, ST2019-2D, VY-2-EE2021-01-04 – 2021-05-02Marko IskalaFinnish2020-08-17 – 2021-01-10
3002ST2020-2, ST2020-2A, ST2020-2B, ST2020-2C, ST2020-2D, VY-2-EE2022-01-03 – 2022-05-01Marko Iskala, Markus ManninenFinnish2021-12-01 – 2022-01-10
3010ST2021-2, ST2021-2A, ST2021-2B, ST2021-2C, ST2021-2D, VY-2-EE, YHT-VY-1, YHT-VY-2, YHT-VY-20, YHT-VY-21, YHT-VY-222023-01-09 – 2023-04-29Marko IskalaFinnish2022-12-01 – 2023-01-09
3011SAT2022M-12023-01-09 – 2023-05-13Markus ManninenFinnish2022-12-01 – 2023-01-09
3012SAT2022-2, SAT2022-2A, SAT2022-2B, SAT2022-2C, SAT2022-2D, VY-2, VY-2-EE2024-01-08 – 2024-04-30Marko IskalaFinnish2023-12-01 – 2024-01-12
3013SAT2022V-2, SAT2022V-2A, SAT2022V-2B2023-10-23 – 2024-02-24Marko IskalaFinnish2023-08-01 – 2023-09-06
3014SAT2023-2, SAT2023-2A, SAT2023-2B, SAT2023-2C, SAT2023-2D, SAT2023-2E, VY-2, VY-2-EE2025-01-07 – 2025-04-30Marko IskalaFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13

The descriptions shown below are for the academic year: 2024-2025

Learning Outcomes

Having completed the course, the student understands the principal differences between most important electric machines from the user’s point of view and can perceive the limits of their operation and application possibilities. The student learns to calculate the operating values of various types of motors in various applications using equivalent circuits. The student knohas preparedness to choose a motor for constant use and can use manufacturers' table values when selecting a motor for an application.

Student's Workload

135 hours, if which, in addition to lectures, 4 x 4 hours for laboratory assignments. 2 x 2 hours are reserved for exams.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Safety at Work and Electrical Work Safety, MATLAB and Simulink, Calculation Methods of Circuits.


Four main themes:

1. Revision of magnetic circuits from the point of view of electric machines; DC machines suitable for industry and traffic.
2. Squirrel cage motors
3. Synchoronous machines, both in motor and generator applications
4. Choosing and dimensioning of a motor for industrial and traffic applications. The structure of direct-drive motors, characteristics, operating values and operation modes in various situations, defining the equivalent circuit for motors and studying the operation using equivalent circuits. The focus in choosing and dimensioning a motor is on defining the required power in various applications and studying the normative symbols describing the performance characteristics and structure of the motor. Dimensioning a motor with regard to the adequacy of the torque, temperature tise and starting time. The study of theory is supported with laboratory assigments on various types of motors.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material produced by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, homework exercises, laboratory exercises.

Assessment Criteria

The general assessment criteria of VAMK.

Assessment Methods

The teacher’s assessment, submitted laboratory assignments, exam.
