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Front Page > Current Education > Project Management (IPM) > 2023 > Year 1 > Project Finance and Legal Environment (IPM1002)

Project Finance and Legal Environment

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IPM1002
Curriculum: IPM 2023
Level: Master of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2023-2024)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Agbejule, Adebayo
Language of Instruction: English

Courses During the Academic Year 2023-2024

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3006IBM2023-1Y, IPM2023-1, TPM2023-12023-10-23 – 2023-12-17Adebayo AgbejuleEnglish2023-08-01 – 2023-09-06

Learning Outcomes

Project Finance provides a framework and methodology to look at project financing as a viable financing option from both the debt and equity perspective. The course is designed to introduce the students to the role of project financing and evaluate project risk analysis, risk mitigation strategies, financing options, and legal/regulatory/industry frameworks. The course will introduce students to cash-flow modeling concepts and sensitivity analysis for project finance and to interpret these analyses in project selection.

Student's Workload

Total work load of the student 135 h, of which
- scheduled studies 25 h
- autonomous studies 110 h
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Basics of Project Management or equivalent knowledge


Project structure and parties, project risks, proposed debt structure and term sheet, project debt service capability using cash flow forecasts

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Yescombe, E.R (2014), Principles of Project Finance, 2nd Edition
Other material given by lecturer

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures, group work, project work and exercises

Assessment Criteria

5: The student is able to utilize the methods learnt during the study unit independently and is able apply the learnt knowledge in new contexts.
3: The student is able to utilize the methods learnt during the study unit independently.
1: The student is able, with guidance, to utilize the methods learnt during the study unit.

Assessment Methods

Evaluation will be 40% from exam, 20% from case participation and 40% from presentation of project work.
