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Front Page > Current Education > Digitalisation Development and Management (IDKJ) > 2024T > Digitalisation and Marketing (HY00BQ12)

Digitalisation and Marketing

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: HY00BQ12
Curriculum: IDKJ 2024T
Level: Master of Business Administration
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Skjäl, Heidi
Language of Instruction: Finnish


Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3001HYA2024K-12Y, IDKJT2024-12025-01-07 – 2025-05-23Heidi SkjälFinnish2024-12-01 – 2025-01-13

Learning Outcomes

The student is able to apply the components of marketing planning and strategic actions as part of a successful marketing plan (marketing competence). The student can assess their own strengths and areas for development (learning skills) and is able to interact online effectively. The student possesses proficiency in written Finnish and can express themselves clearly and professionally. The student can produce high-quality written reports (Finnish language skills).

Student's Workload

The total workload for the course is 75 hours, of which 25 hours are online contact teaching and 50 hours are independent or group study.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses



The student plans and implements marketing activities for a health and wellness sector by applying digital marketing communication methods. The course is divided into three modules: 1) current state analysis and segmentation, 2) core strategy and spearhead product 3) marketing mix, or the 4P model, with a focus on social media marketing.

Upon completing the course, the student will be able to independently and in teams generate and produce new approaches to assigned tasks (innovation competence) and work effectively and constructively in a workplace team (workplace competence). The student possesses interaction skills, including listening, conversation, and presentation skills. The student can give and receive feedback (feedback competence) and understands the significance of artificial intelligence in marketing (AI competence).

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

- Komulainen, M. (2023). Menesty Digimarkkinoilla. Kauppakamari. ekirja.
- Bergström, S., & Leppänen, A. (2021). Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi (19., uudistettu painos.). Edita. ekirja.
- Other material produced by the teacher in Moodle

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Online interactive dialogue, group work, brainstorming, digital teaching methods.

Assessment Criteria

Scale 0-5.
