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Front Page > Current Education > International Business (IB) > 2025 > Year 2 > Robotic solutions in Business (TI00BR65)

Robotic solutions in Business

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TI00BR65
Curriculum: IB 2025
Level: Bachelor of Business Administration
Year of Study: 2 (2026-2027)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Myllylä, Teemu
Language of Instruction: English

Learning Outcomes

This course introduces students to the ever-developing role of robotic solutions in business. Through hands-on experience with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and an exploration of physical robotics in supply chains, students will gain the understanding of the the business potential of robotics and envision future trends. At the latter part of the course Emphasis is placed on collaborative problem-solving, possibly in multidisciplinary teams. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: Understand the fundamentals of robotic solutions, including RPA and physical robotics, in business contexts. Design and implement process automation workflows using an available software. Assess the applications and benefits of physical robotics in supply chains. Identify and evaluate business opportunities enabled by robotic solutions. Collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary teams to address complex challenges in robotics integration. Anticipate and discuss the future trends and implications of robotics in business operations.

Student's Workload

1 ECTS credit = 27 hours of work

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Digital Tools in Business


Robotic Process automation (RPA)
Physical robotics in Supply Chains
Robotic solutions as business possibilities
Future of robotics in business.
Work in multidisciplinary teams

Regional Impact

Visitors and examples from international companies operating in our region are utilized when possible


This course provides an international dimension through diverse material examples and student perspectives. Students act in multicultural teams as part of the course. According to the possibilities connections to business life are used to provide real-life examples from the field of international business

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material provided by the teacher
