Communication in Business Life
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | TI00BR44 |
Curriculum: | IB 2025 |
Level: | Bachelor of Business Administration |
Year of Study: | 1 (2025-2026) |
Semester: | Autumn |
Credits: | 5 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Harald, Camilla |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Learning Outcomes
The student has a deeper understanding of what makes communication effective in various professional situations and recognizes the vital role good communication plays in building successful relationships. The student knows their own strengths and areas of development when communicating in English in professional settings. The student possesses sufficient English language skills for academic studies and working life as well as understands how to continuously develop and strengthen English language and communication skills also after the course.
Student's Workload
Student’s total work load: 135 hours (5 credits). Class-room studies (attendance mandatory) and independent work.
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
High-school level English
Communication in as a central generic work life skill
Business /professional vocabulary
Academic style and register
The job search process
Written business correspondence
Connecting on a human level
Oral presentations
Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Independent work, class-room teaching, vocabulary exercises, oral and written communication exercises, preparation for contact lessons, presentations and discussions, preparation for final assessment.
Assessment Criteria
Grading scale 1-5
Assessment Methods
- Active participation in class-room activities (attendance mandatory)
- Completed oral and written assignments
- Written exam