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Front Page > Archived Education > Civil Engineering (I-RT) > 2010 > Condition Surveys and Renovations (IRTS2302)

Condition Surveys and Renovations

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IRTS2302
Type: Optional obligatory / Professional Studies
Curriculum: I-RT 2010
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Credits: 3 cr
Responsible Teacher: Paananen, Heikki
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The learns to carry out a condition survey on a moisture-damaged building and to do a requires renovation plan. The student learns tocarry out condition surveys on concrete facades and balconies and renovation plans for them.

Student's Workload

Total work load 80 h of which scheduled studies 42 h and autonomous studies 38 h.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Renovation Building
Building Physics


Moisture damages, origin, survey and renovation.
Damages of concrete facades and balconies, origin, survey and renovation.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Ympäristöopas 28 Kosteus- ja homevaurioituneen rakennuksen kuntotutkimus (or more recent corresponding material) and other material named by the teacher. materiaali.
BY 42 Betonijulkisivun kuntotutkimus (valid publication) and other material named by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Lectures and project

Assessment Criteria

Grade 1: The student knows the contents of the study unit that are relevant in working life.
Grade 3: The student is able to utilise the information and skills learnt during the study unit.
Grade 5: The student is able to utilise and apply the information and skills learnt during the study unit.

Assessment Methods

Written exam 50% and project 50%.
