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Free-choice Studies (H-VV 2005)

Level: Continuing Education etc.
Start: 2005-08-22
Credits: 10 cr
HVV1000Preparatory Studies10
HXV0006Brush-up Course in Mathematics3
IZV0001Finnish for Beginners4
HXV0002Kommunikation inom arbetslivet (Swedish)3
HXV0005Brush-up Course in Mathematics3
HXV0004Brush-up Course in Mathematics3
HXV0003Työelämän viestintä (Finnish)3
HXV0001Working English4
IXV0009Beginner's Russian3
TXV0027Chinese Basics2
TXV0026English Conversation2
IXV0007Spanish for Beginners3
IXV0008Spanish, Continuation Course3
IXV0013Italian Communication and Environment Basic3
IXV0001Italian Language Course Basic3
IXV0002Italian Language Course Continuation3
TXV0005French for Beginners3
TXV0006French, Continuation Course3
IXV0006Activating German Language2
TXV0003German, Basics3
TXV0004German Continuing Course3
TXV0001Spanish 14
HVV4000IT Field10
TXV0029Work Orientated Using of Tool Programs3
TXV0008Basics of XML3
TXV0023Fundamentals of Graphic Design3
TXV0015Basics of Linux2
TXV0021Introduction to Programming 3
TXV0018Introduction to Programming3
TXV0011Basics of Linux2
TXV0022Pictorial Communication and Modern Color Theory3
IYY31089Basics of Radio Amateur Technology 11.5
IYY31090Basics of Radio Amateur Technology 21.5
TXV0012Basics of XML3
IXV0004Visualization for Students of Construction Engineering3
HVV3000Welfare Field10
SXV0007Drama as a Method3
SXV0005Industrial Relations and Nursing Organizations2
SXV0010Encountering a Difficult and Violent Patient2
SXV0016Health Promotion in Uganda1.5
SXV0015Nursing Documentation and Record Keeping2
SXV0018Inspiring Family-Therapeutic Ideas and Renewing Methods2
SXV0014Pediatric Medical Care2
SXV0001Strengthening Your Pharmacotherapeutic Skills3
SXV0012Spirituality as a Resource in Nursing2
SXV0011Planning and Implementing Project3
SXV0002Psychiatric Medical Care2
SXV0006Health of Sexuality, Continuation Course2
SXV0003Lap Nursing2
SXV0009Physical Education2
SXV0008Social Assistance2
SXV0004Pharmacotherapy in Elderly Care2
HVV5000Business and Enterprise10
TXV0016International Team Work2
RXV0001Basics of Business Tourism3
RXV0004Event Management3
TXV0025International Marketing - How a Brand is Promoted3
RXV0002Congress and Conference Travel3
TXV0028Business Idea Competition Change3
RXV0003Program Services3
TXV0024Entrepreneurship as a Way of Action3
HVV6000Cultural Familiarity10
SXV0017Cultural Competence in Health Care
HVV9000Specialised Optional Studies10
RHV9002Food Cultures - Travelling through Time2
TLV9010Management of Client Processes3
RHV9004Ecological Food and Environmental Choices2
RRV9001Continuing Course in Beverages3
TFV9003Franchising Entrepreneurship3
TFV9001Trade Between Finland and Countries Around the Baltic Sea3
TLV9002Management of a Growing Startup Business3
TLV9009Knowledge Management3
TFV9002Consumer Protection - a Comparison between the Nordic Countries2
RHV9001Coffee and Cigars as Business Idea2
TTV9004Mobile Software Applications3
TTV9002The Java Language 13
TTV9008Flash Programming3
TLV9004Entrepreneurship in Co-operatives3
TDV9001Java 1 Programming3
RHV9005Continuing Course in Restaurant Beverages3
TFV9006Law of Obligations3
TLV9001Team Entrepreneurship15
RHV9003Managing Employee Costs3
TLV9005Change of Ownership and Generation Transfer in a Company3
TLV9006Debt Relationship3