| | Semester | |
Code | Name | Autumn | Spring | CR |
EY2025V-1001 | BASIC STUDIES | | 120 |
EY2025V-1002 | General Engineering Competences | | 10 |
JT00BV20 | Introduction to Engineering Studies | | 3 |
TY00BV18 | Safety at Work and Electrical Work Safety | | 2 |
IK00BE72 | Information Technology | | x | 5 |
EY2025V-1003 | Mathematics and Natural Sciences | | 30 |
MA00BV46 | Introduction to Engineering Mathematics | | 5 |
MA00BV00 | Engineering Mathematics 1 | | 5 |
MA00BV01 | Engineering Mathematics 2 | | 5 |
FY00BV03 | Engineering Physics 1 | | 5 |
FY00BV04 | Engineering Physics 2 | | 5 |
IK00BE77 | Chemistry | | 5 |
EY2025V-1004 | Languages and Communication | | 15 |
XX00BV47 | Technical Communication in Finnish | | 5 |
XX00BV48 | Tekniikan englanti | | 5 |
XX00BV49 | Tekniikan ruotsi | | 5 |
XXP0000 | Swedish oral skills | | |
XXP0001 | Swedish writing skills | | |
EY2025V-1005 | Management and Business Administration | | 20 |
IKTP1123 | Basics of Cost and Profitability Accounting | x | | 5 |
TK00BR68 | Innovatiivinen yrittäjyys | | 5 |
EY00BV34 | Projektitoiminnan perusteet | | 5 |
EY00BV35 | HSEQ | | 5 |
EY2025V-1006 | Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan perusopinnot | | 45 |
EY2025V-1007 | Energiatekniikka | | 25 |
IEYX1001 | Processes in Energy Technology | | 5 |
IE00BF12 | Heat Energy Systems | | 5 |
EY00BV36 | Palaminen ja päästöt | | 5 |
IEYS2004 | Electrical systems | | 5 |
EY00BV37 | Rakennusten energiaratkaisut | | 5 |
EY2025V-1008 | Ympäristöteknologia | | 20 |
EY00BV38 | Hiilineutraali kiertotalousyhteiskunta | | 5 |
EY00BV39 | Ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnit | | 5 |
EY00BV40 | Ympäristölainsäädäntö ja -hallinto | | 5 |
IE00BE79 | Environmental Laboratory Excercises | | 5 |
EY2025V-1010 | Environment | | 45 |
YT00BV41 | Infratekniikka | | 5 |
YT00BV42 | Kiertotalous ja jätehuolto | | 5 |
IEYS1102 | Geographic Information Systems | | 5 |
YT00BV43 | Kaupunkiekologia ja luonnon monimuotoisuus | | 5 |
YT00BV44 | Kestävä alueidenkäyttö | | 5 |
IEYS1103 | Environmental Planning Project Work | | 5 |
IY00BE95 | Water Treatment | | 5 |
IY00BE96 | Water Treatment Laboratory Excercises | | 5 |
IY00BE97 | Water Protection | | 5 |
EY2025V-1011 | Energy | | 45 |
IE00BM44 | Energy Production | | 5 |
ET00BN41 | Combined Heat and Power | | 5 |
ET00BT95 | Power Plant Technology | | 5 |
ET00BT94 | Control and Automation in Power Plants | | 5 |
ET00BT97 | Value Chains in Energy Storage | | 5 |
IE00BM42 | Smart Grids | | 5 |
IE00BM48 | Bioenergy Systems | | 5 |
ET00BT99 | Solar Power | | 5 |
ET00BU00 | Wind Power | | 5 |
EY2025V-1012 | Process and Project Management | | 30 |
ET00BN44 | Energy Markets | | 5 |
ET00BN45 | Project Finance in Energy Business | | 5 |
ET00BN48 | Environmental Impact Assessment | | 5 |
ET00BN49 | Carbon Neutral Society | | 5 |
ET00BN50 | Waste to Energy | | 5 |
ET00BN46 | Modeling and Optimisation of Energy Systems | | 5 |
EY2025V-1013 | Valinnaiset suuntaavat opinnot | | 15 |
IX00BM40 | Battery Drives | | 5 |
ET00BT96 | Battery Chemistry | | 5 |
ET00BN43 | Energy Storage | | 5 |
EY2025V-1016 | THESIS | | 15 |
IKT32601 | Research Methods | | |
OP00BS18 | Research Plan | | 5 |
OP00BS19 | Research and Theory | | 5 |
OP00BS20 | Research Reporting | | 5 |