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Front Page > Current Education > Energy and Environmental Technology (EY) > 2025 > Research Reporting (OP00BS20)

Research Reporting

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: OP00BS20
Curriculum: EY 2025
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Simunaniemi, Anna-Mari
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

The student reports and applies the results and theories of the thesis to practical solutions that can be utilized in the field. The student is able to critically examine, assess, and analyze the thesis results, the theories and methods used, and draw conclusions based on these. They identify potential areas for development in the research, reflect on their impact on the reliability and applicability of the research, and present suggestions for improvement. The student recognizes key follow-up actions and development needs in the field. In the maturity test, the student demonstrates proficiency in professional language.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

OP00BS18 Research Plan and OP00BS19 Research and Theory


Reporting the results of the thesis.
Critical examination, assessment, and analysis of the thesis results, theories, and methods.
Identifying areas for development in the research and drawing conclusions.
Maturity test and proficiency in professional language.
