Research Plan
Structure Type: | Study unit |
Code: | OP00BS18 |
Curriculum: | EY 2025 |
Level: | Bachelor of Engineering |
Credits: | 5 cr |
Responsible Teacher: | Rajala, Päivi |
Language of Instruction: | Finnish |
Learning Outcomes
The student is able to select and define a practical and current topic that enhances their professional skills and addresses the development needs of working life. The student can justify the choice of topic and its relevance to the client's needs, and is able to assess the impact of the topic on the development of professional expertise. The student identifies and analyzes key areas of development in their field and presents them clearly and with justification.
The student formulates relevant research questions for the topic. The student is able to select key concepts from the field and justify their choice in relation to the research questions and theoretical framework. Furthermore, the student is able to choose reliable and up-to-date source material that supports the goals of the thesis and the research questions.
The student prepares a research plan and, based on this, writes the introduction chapter.
Student's Workload
135 hours of the student's work
Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
A minimum of 100 ECTS credits completed in a degree program leading to a qualification.
Recommended studies: Competence in research skills and research methods, as well as completing studies in accordance with the student's chosen specialization, depending on the degree program.
Selection of the research topic.
Preparation of the research plan according to the institution's current guidelines.
Identification and analysis of key development areas in the student's field.
Formulation of research questions using key concepts from the field.
Selection of reliable and up-to-date source material.
Writing the introduction chapter of the thesis.
Regional Impact
The thesis can be based on a topic related to the needs of the local labor market or a topic provided as an assignment.