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Front Page > Current Education > Energy Technology (ETE) > 2025 > Year 3 > Innovative Entrepreneurship (TL00BQ82)

Innovative Entrepreneurship

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: TL00BQ82
Curriculum: ETE 2025
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 3 (2027)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Saarikoski, Sari
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes
In the Innovative Entrepreneurship course, students will explore the key principles and practices of entrepreneurship and innovation. They will develop the ability to identify and enhance their entrepreneurial skills in various environments. The course examines the role and significance of entrepreneurship in society. Throughout the course, students will improve their ability to recognize business opportunities, innovate, and evaluate new ideas.

Upon completing the course, the student:
Understands the fundamental principles of innovative entrepreneurship and can apply them across different industries
Is capable of innovating and assessing new business ideas and models
Can identify customers, other stakeholders, and the fundamentals of profitable business
Understands different business structures and their distinctions
Is able to work innovatively in teams formed for the course and utilize the expertise of different participants to promote entrepreneurship

Student's Workload

Student’s workload

Online lectures 6h
Independent studies 67h
Hackhathon 20h
Assignments 40h
Feedback and evaluation 2h
A total of 135h (5cts)

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses
Not required



Concepts of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Development of Business Models in Different Sectors
Creative Problem-Solving Process and Ideation Methods (Hackathon Events)
Customer-Centric Thinking and Value Propositions
Identifying and Evaluating Profitable Business Opportunities (Based on the Business Model Canvas)
The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Teamwork in the Innovation Process

Regional Impact

The Innovative Entrepreneurship course enables students to explore entrepreneurship and creates opportunities to advance toward starting a business, particularly in the Vaasa region.


The course is shared among students in business, technology, and social and health fields, including IB students.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

The study material is available in Moodle.


Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

The course is completed as independent online studies on the Moodle platform.
Course instructors are available for guidance twice per semester via Zoom.

In Hackathon workshops, students collaborate with regional business service providers to work on topics related to the course content.

Assessment Criteria

Successful completion of the course requires:
• Successfully completing the online study modules and assignments independently.
• Participating in Hackathon workshops and working under guidance.
• Submitting the assigned tasks on time.

Assessment Methods

Assessment Methods
90-100p = 5
80-89p = 4
70-79p = 3
60-69p = 2
50-59p = 1
0-49p. = Fail
