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Front Page > Current Education > Energy Technology (ETE) > 2023 > Year 1 > Finnish for Foreigners 1 (IT00BL08)

Finnish for Foreigners 1

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: IT00BL08
Curriculum: ETE 2023
Level: Bachelor of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2023)
Semester: Spring
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Niemelä, Riitta
Language of Instruction: English

Courses During the Year 2023

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3002ETE2023-1, ETE2023-1A, ETE2023-1B, ETE2023-1C, ETE2023-1D2023-01-09 – 2023-04-30Varpu PöntynenEnglish2022-12-01 – 2023-01-16
3003IT2023-1, IT2023-1A, IT2023-1B2023-08-28 – 2023-12-16Suvi Isohella, Sanna-Liisa KiikkalaEnglish2023-08-01 – 2023-09-06

Learning Outcomes

After finishing the course, the student will be able to cope in everyday situations in Finnish, such as introducing herself, telling about your studies, shopping, travelling, dealing with routine business, e.g., at the bank, post office, library or police. The student can tell about their about education and work manage in everyday chores. The student also knows the basics of Finnish culture and society.

Student's Workload

81 h, which contains 42 h of scheduled contact studies.
The assessment of student’s own learning 1 h is included in contact lessons.

Prerequisites / Recommended Optional Courses

No prior knowledge of Finnish required.


Words, phrases and simple structures with pronunciation practice in everyday key situations, such as expressions of time and place, colours, structures and forms particular to the Finnish language. Speaking exercises in common social situations. Introduction to Finnish culture and society.

Recommended or Required Reading and Other Learning Resources/Tools

Material provided by the teacher.

Mode of Delivery / Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Pronunciation, speaking, reading and writing practice in teams.

Assessment Criteria

Grade 5: The student has an excellent command of the basics of Finnish language both orally and in writing and she can apply her skills in a versatile manner.
Grade 3: The student has a good command of the basics of Finnish language both orally and in writing and she can apply her skills in practice.
Grade 1: The student has a satisfactory command of the basics of Finnish language both orally and in writing.

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment, exams,75% minimum attendance in contact teaching.
