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Front Page > Current Education > Cloud-Based Software Engineering (CSE) > 2023 > Master’s thesis, Final Stage (OY00BO55)

Master’s thesis, Final Stage

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: OY00BO55
Curriculum: CSE 2023
Level: Master of Engineering
Credits: 15 cr
Responsible Teacher: Mäkinen, Seppo


Impl.Study TimeTeacher(s)Language
30022023-08-01 – 2024-07-31Adebayo Agbejule, Joel Songok, Shekhar SatputeFinnish


During the final stage of the thesis, the analysis of results may continue, and conclusions and reflections are written. This phase involves finalizing other sections of the thesis and ensuring the overall appearance. Abstracts, a maturity test, and the finalization of the text according to language instructor guidelines are completed.
