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Front Page > Current Education > Cloud-Based Software Engineering (CSE) > 2023 > Year 1 > Modern Software Architectures (CS00BL62)

Modern Software Architectures

Structure Type: Study unit
Code: CS00BL62
Curriculum: CSE 2023
Level: Master of Engineering
Year of Study: 1 (2023-2024)
Semester: Autumn
Credits: 5 cr
Responsible Teacher: Dams, Johan
Language of Instruction: Finnish

Courses During the Academic Year 2023-2024

Impl.Group(s)Study TimeTeacher(s)LanguageEnrolment
3002CSE2023-12024-01-17 – 2024-02-24Johan DamsFinnish2023-12-01 – 2024-01-12

Learning Outcomes

The student is familiar with the latest development in software architectures.
The student understands the role of architecture.
The student can identify architecturally significant requirements and evaluate designed architectures with requirements.
The student can design and describe modern architectures.
The student also understands the modern distributed architectures, their possibilities and challenges.


Latest development of software architectures
Role of the architecture.
Requirements and their relation to architecture
Practical implementation of software architecture
